Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lemons and Tequila

"When life gives you lemons, bring out the tequila!"

A proverbial line that has been given an amusing twist which, on a more personal note, simply means "to find something good in the negative" or "to make the most out of what you got". After all, lemons aren't that bad. 

It's cliche... but it means a lot. But I'd like to put it this way...

Some people are served with the steak of their choice. If they are lucky enough, it comes with their choice of wine. Some luck, eh? 

(Still, these people will most likely demand for dessert)

Some people are served with an average meal. Not exactly as appealing as the steak but it's not bad at all. It's still a meal.

(After eating, these people will most likely demand for coffee)

And then there are some who will be served with a fast food value meal. Still, not bad. It's still worth something. I know a lot of people who would kill for fast food.

(These people might demand for some french fries to go with their burgers)

And then some will be served with lemons. Lucky if served because sometimes, they are thrown. Bulls eye!

Taking it literally, there's a lot I can do with lemons. Lemonade. Detox water. And yes, lemons do well with my tequila.

Lemons. Sometimes, that's what I get. If it's my lucky day, they're handed to me. But there are also times when they are thrown hard at me and I get hit. Poor lemons? Or, poor me? Either way, lemons aren't really just lemons. There must be some message, lesson or wisdom hidden somewhere. (Or, perhaps... a diamond pushed and buried against its skin. Just a thought.) 

That's life. Sometimes you'll be blessed and sometimes, you'll be tested. It's not fair but that's life.

This personal interpretation of this mighty "proverbial phrase" (which I stuck somewhere in my head) sometimes makes me wonder why people still tend to ask for more even though they already have a lot compared to others.

If I had been served with steak and wine, I wouldn't bother for anything else. Not even dessert. (But of course I might not be able to arrive at that thought if not for these lemons. Indeed, life has its own way of serving wisdom.)

Wisdom. It's not served on a plate. It's not even ready-made. It is earned... from the lemons.

What do I intend to do with my lemons? 

Bring out the tequila and start a party.

Credits to the photo owners

*** Some of the images used in the blog posts are NOT owned by the author. Credits to the photo owners.

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