Wednesday, May 21, 2014

I Love Gabriel Because...

...he's my angel
...he's everything I am
...he makes me feel loved, needed and important
...his love is pure
...he changed me
...he is my own...

i love Gabriel because... I don't need to have a reason to love him.
I just do. 

there are countless reasons why I love Gabriel. I can go on and on and still won't find everything I've thought of, said and written enough to describe how I feel for him. 

I love him from the depths of my heart.
I love him beyond words, beyond feelings and beyond everything else. 

Gabriel is my special child...and my only child. He has given me a unique and extraordinary experience called special motherhood. It is unlike any other - because it is special. Unique. Noteworthy. Challenging. 

Gabriel is the only person in this world who can change me. He is also the only one capable of making me discover the length of patience I never knew I had. 

Gabriel can make me feel everything - 
love and hate, 
hope and despair, 
calmness and anger, 
anticipation and disappointment, 
strength and exhaustion, 
excitement and discouragement... 

...the list goes on...

It's amazing how much feelings and emotions a person is capable of. 

Having a special child requires strength - a great amount of it. It is something that I'm trying to develop within me. It can sometimes be distracting to endure the stares, the questions and the odd looks on people's faces every time they see a special child. 

Going out can be very challenging and it really does require a great deal of courage and strength, both physically and emotionally. 

Yes, I do have questions. It happens a lot. Up to now, I'm still asking "why?" ... there are countless questions that need to be answered and for someone like me, just "letting it be" seems to be not enough. 

At this point, I'm no longer asking for comfort. 
I just want Gabriel to be accepted and to be loved.

I also want to be understood and to be around people who are kind and sincere.

I am trying my best to be strong. And honestly, I'm quite amazed at how far I've already gone.